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Exhibitions, Commissions, Publications


Two Roman landscapes in the Art Innsbruck Fair, January 2018

Three works, X Mostra Nazionale Di Pittura E Disegno Botanico, coordinated with the Antiche Camelie della Lucchesia events, Lucca, Italy, January–March 2016

Single entry, Portraits, group show, Palette and Chisel Academy, Chicago, December 2015

Single entry, Arte Padova, represented by Queen Art Studio, Padova, November 2015

Through Foreign Eyes, group exhibit of plein air paintings by foreign artists, Civita Castellana, Lazio, Italy, October–November 2012

Third Biennale of Architecture, “Historicism Tendency” group exhibit, Moscow, Russia, May-June 2012; one of only two American architects in this group

Work in Fresco, Bond Hall Gallery, Univ. of Notre Dame, August-September 2010

Imitate, Emulate, Invent; one-person exhibit at Norfolk Academy, Virginia, Oct.–Dec. 2009

Palladio & American Classicism, traveling exhibit organized by the ICA&CA, Fall 2008

New Palladians, London, Fall 2008

Plein air paintings from Rome, summer 2006 and spring 2005, at the following venues:

East Side Antiques and Fine Art fair, New York, October 2006

Chaiwalla Tea Room, Salisbury, CT, December 2006

Three Generations of Classical Architects, Snite Museum of Art, Univ. of Notre Dame, Oct. 2005

Epiphanies of Beauty, Center for Ethics and Culture, University of Notre Dame, Nov. 2004

Civic Art, National Civic Art Society, Washington, D.C., April 2004

Timeless Cities, TASIS The American School in England, Dec. 2003

Timeless Cities, School of Architecture, University of Notre Dame, Nov. 2003

Ten Years of Classicism: The Institute for Classical Architecture, New York, Oct. 2002

The Church in the City of the IIIrd Millennium, Rome, December 2000

The Other Modern, Bologna, March 2000

Derriere Guard, San Francisco, November 1999

Reconquering Sacred Space, Rome, October 1999

A New Renaissance, Lugano, Switzerland, June 1999 [Organizer]

Derriere Guard, The Kitchen, SoHo, New York, March 1997

A Vision of Europe, Bologna, Italy, Spring 1996

New York Academy of Art Faculty Show, Fordham Univ. Gallery, Dec. 1995–Feb. ‘96

The Art of Building Cities, Chicago Cultural Center, June 1995

New York School of Interior Design, April 1995

Angels, Cristinerose Gallery, New York, December 1994–January 1995

Lucy B. Campbell Gallery, London 1992-3

The Artist as Decorator, New York School of Interior Design, April-May 1992 

            (Exhibitor and Co-Curator)

Villa Don Giovanni, Stubbs Books & Prints, New York, November 1991

Harmony & Invention, Stubbs Books & Prints, New York, October 1990


Altar painting, S. Cresci in Valcava, Tuscany, installed October 2015

Fresco, façade of S. Cresci in Valcava, Tuscany, July 2014

Won the open competition to paint the Palio for the city of Lucca, Italy, for the feast of S. Paolino, event July 2013

Designed and executed sets for the Haymarket Opera company of Chicago’s performances of :

Charpentier’s Actéon, March 2014; reviews in the Chicago Tribune, Chicago Sun Times, Chicago Classical Review

Purcell’s Dido & Aeneas, February 2013; reviews with mentions in the Chicago Tribune, Chicago Telemann’s Pimpinone, October 2013; feature article in San Francisco Classical Voice

Charpentier’s La Descente d’Orphée aux Enfers, February 2012; reviews with mentions in the New York Times, Chicago Tribune, Chicago Classical Review

Frescoes, façade of the Palmer Performing Arts Center, TASIS campus, Switzerland

Fresco, façade of the Library, TASIS campus, Switzerland

Frescoes, Crucifixion and Life of San Cresci cycle, church of San Cresci, Mugello, Tuscany

Fresco series on the façades of the new Gymnasium, TASIS campus, Switzerland

Fresco for the church of San Tommaso, Agra, Switzerland

Fresco in the Library of the American Academy in Rome

Fresco, townhouse garden, East 74thStreet, New York


“Language or Tradition? Continuity and Innovation in the Landscape of Ticino,” Putting Tradition into Practice: Heritage, Place and Design, Springer Publ., 2017, proceedings of the INTBAU Italy conference, Milan, July 2017

“The Technique of Fresco Painting: Ever Ancient, Ever New,” Traditional Buildingmagazine, Dec.-Jan. 2017

two entries inCity Secrets: Paris, The Little Bookroom, Sept. 2014

The Challenge of Emulation in Art and Architecture: Between Imitation and Invention, Ashgate UK, Nov. 2013; paperback 2017

“Meaning and Purpose of the Capriccio” and “The Capricci of Giovanni Paolo Panini,” in The Architectural Capriccio, ed L. Steil, Ashgate, UK; Dec. 2013

“The Shape of Public Space: Space, Place and Junkspace,” chapter in Perspectives on Public Space in Rome, from Antiquity to the Present Day, eds. Smith and Gadeyne, Ashgate, UK; May 2013

“The Relevance of Renaissance Rome,” Introduction to revised edition of Letarouilly on Renaissance Rome, Dover Publ., with two illustrations by David Mayernik; new edition with 50 additional plates chosen by David Mayernik, Oct. 2012 

 “The Inevitable Project: Avoiding the Formally Arbitrary Through Analysis and Poetics” paper delivered at the First International Congress of ReteVitruvio: Architectural Design Between Teaching And Research, Bari, Italy, May 2011

“Bodies&Buildings: Microcosm and Macrocosm in Traditional Architecture and Urbanism,” Green Living, Rizzoli (US) and Tradition & Sustainability, Compendium (UK), 2010

Recent Work, New Palladians, London, Artmedia, 2010

Roundtable panel participant, Traditional Buildingmagazine, February 2010

“From Painting En Plein Air to Inventing the Capriccio,” American Artist, January 2009

 “Urban Echoes: Listening to the Lessons of Rome,” The Classicist VII, 2008

“Stewardship and the School of Architecture,” Acroterion 2006–2007, Univ. of Notre Dame

 “Buon Fresco,” Traditional Building magazine, December 2006

 “The Winds in the Corners: Giulio Romano, the Elements &the Palazzo Te’s Fall of the Giants,” in Aeolian Wind and the Spirit in Renaissance Architecture, ed. Barbara Kenda, Routledge Press, 2006

book reviews: “Michael Graves: Images from a Grand Tour,” and “A History of Western Architecture (David Watkin),” for Traditional Buildingmagazine, February and April, 2006

 “Matching Beauty to Civility,” Traditional Building magazine Forum, October 2005

 ‘Roundtable,” Traditional Building magazine, January 2004

Timeless Cities: An Architect’s Reflections on Renaissance Italy, Westview Press 

            (Icon Editions), 2003 (paperback June 2005)

 “The City as Memory Theater &Architecture as Allegory,” The City and the Church in the IIIrd

            Millennium:, Rome, December 2000

City Secrets: Rome, The Little Bookroom, 2000

The Other Modern, Bologna, March 2000

Reconquering Sacred Space, Rome, 1999

Composite Drawing, McGraw Hill, 1995

“The Gabriel Prize”, The Classicist, 1994

“Inter Silvas Academi”, Building Classical, Academy Editions, London 1993 

Art and Design in the Classical Humanist Tradition

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